D Co./3rd Btl 505th PIR

Teamleader: User 92631
Rifleman: User 92631
Rifleman: Bull / Dura [PIR]
We are a private motley crew of paratrooper enthusiasts and we deliver a display of US Airborne troops on D Day, June 6th, 1944. We display troopers of Dog Company of the 3rd Bataillon of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment.
We do not care for world war reenactment or games of that kind.
We just enjoy our living history model kits for personal pleasure and to honor those of the greatest generation who took the ultimate risk of a jump into nazi-occupied Europe.

Our motto is "H-Minus".

Aktivität: aktiv
2 Stamm-Spieler
und 0 Gast-Spieler

Wo kommt das Team her?
Aktuelle Infos
Wir suchen keine Mitglieder und keine thematische Events.
2 Stamm-Spieler
und 0 Gast-Spieler

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