Ares Defense Group Ltd.

Teamleader: Andy Frank
Airsoft Consulting Services

22 W Hacienda AVE.
Las Vegas, NV
89118, United States

The Ares Defence Group Ltd. it is a fictitious company. Similarities with real existing companies, names or persons are purely coincidental and not intended.
Gelände: DE-weit

Aktivität: aktiv
7 Stamm-Spieler
und 1 Gast-Spieler

Wo kommt das Team her?
Aktuelle Infos
We are currently looking for players from Frankfurt Main to Limburg Area. We are a multinational team (German language is recommended) with a great attitude that stands for expertise in tactical training and most of all, a lot of fun during game days. Physical fitness is a must and basic tactical background or training a plus. If you are interested please leave us a pm, the recruitment team will answer any question.

Remember: We are an Airsoft Team looking for people who love and live their Hobby.
7 Stamm-Spieler
und 1 Gast-Spieler

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