Hi, Thx your for sharing my movie on your site, I appreciate !

For information, we spend every other week to clean the ground to limit the risk of injury.
The gypsies have a lot to degradations in the buildings.

I invite you to subscribe to my youtube channel, on which I regularly post video of our parts: https://www.youtube.com/user/Deusexrena

Soon you can see my next reply "KRISS Vector SMG GBB KWA"

As the last part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFeQv_y2V3Q
Wie wärs mal mit aufräumen ?

Verletzungrisiko vs. Spielspass 1:0

Facepalm! Bleib halt bei deiner Hüpfburg O_o

das unaufgeräumte gelände macht das doch aus,sieht einfach nur geil aus so :D

interessantes Gelände