Berget 12
Footage taken during the Airsoftevent "Berget 12- Lords of War", in Viksmon, Sweden (June 2014). Enjoy the final episode! Have a look the YT-Channel of "Lockpick-2", Tiger also has got some cool footage of the Event (link below). Special Thanks to: Jeep Tom from Sweden for coming with the BV206 and taking us with him. Also to Igor & Harry from "Airsoftwars". Check out their Homepage and YT-Channel for the awesome events they host in the Czech Republic (links below). Also a big THANKS to everyone that was there! LINKS: Airsoftwars Homepage: YT-Channel of Airsoftwars: YT-Channel of Lockpick-2: --- Intro: by Laurent Caccia"---

ist die G3 HPA? oder. ...

Hast du vollkommen richtig erkannt. Das G3 ist ein HPA Umbau.

Ja hört sich an wie Polarstar ^^

Falsch.. Es ist GunPorn *_* Junge junge, heißes Teil!!

Leider isses viel zu leise :( der Moped
