Militaires Sans Frontières

Teamleader: Dopefish
[Combat Unit] Infiltration & CQC Specialist: Dopefish
[Intel] IT-Specialist: User 40432
[R&D] Gun Master: Cpt. Pen0spuncher
Militaires Sans Frontières (French for Soldiers Without Borders; lit. Military Without Frontiers), abbreviated as MSF and also known as Outer Heaven, was a private military company in the early 1970s founded and led by Big Boss. Because of their mercenary status, their questionable tactics on the battlefield, and their usage of an off-shore forward operating base in the middle of the Caribbean Sea during the mid-to-late 1970s, they were frequently referred to by their enemies as pirates

Aktivität: aktiv
3 Stamm-Spieler
und 0 Gast-Spieler

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3 Stamm-Spieler
und 0 Gast-Spieler

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