Operation Lizzard XVI
eingetragen von: [GSF] Yoda
Ort: siehe Karte im Airsoft-Verzeichnis

30.05.2025 20.00 Uhr bis 01.05.2025 12.00 Uhr


Fr-So Durchgehendes Spiel

Zelte und Dixis vom veranstalteter gestellt

Für Strom, Gas, HPA muss selbst gesorgt werden
Wo findet das Event statt?
Aktuelle Infos

Technical background

Chemical toilletes
Located at all places designated for camping. Private toillete renting is possible for a fee (bring own lock with).

Power is available for charging at all bases and villages. Just please note power from these generators is mainly for bases/villages operations so it´s possible your private charging will not be their priority.

Food and beverages
Available for the game duration. Potable water available in central tank and small tanks dispersed at camping locations.
Food is available v military canteen at the ISAF bases and local buffets at the capital and also maybe at some villages.

It´s not allowed. In case it´s allowed only by the ORGs supplied items are allowed. Do not bring your private pyro.

Available on site, distributed by specific commanders.
For army party members also the PES version of in-game map is available.

Tents in the villages
Every villages gets at least one tent for the actions of coordination.

Tents in the main base
All the tents in main base are provided by us. For each participant there is like 2x0,75m of space. It is recommended to bring your own military style bed not only for comfortable sleep but also for best effectivity of your designated place.
Also tents for command staff, briefing room and so on are available.